About HLAC
Professionals Working Independently with the Highest of Standards in the Best Interests of the Industry
Today, no current program is as detailed as HLAC’s, or applies to all types of
laundry operations: on premise, co-op and commercial (HLAC is not in competition with, nor does it conflict with any other accrediting organization.)
HLAC’s standards, which have been professionally recognized, cover the complete textile processing cycle, from handling and transporting soiled
healthcare textiles, to in-plant processing and delivery back to the customer.
The standards also cover many basic considerations, such as facility layout,
personnel training and customer service. Special attention has been directed to laundry processes directly related to patient safety.
Benefits of Accreditation
The principal benefit of being accredited is that an independent third party has inspected your laundry organization and found that it meets the highest
standards for processing healthcare textiles.

An HLAC-accredited laundry organization has demonstrated that:
The laundry organization managers understand and follow key government mandates for handling, processing, and transporting healthcare textiles.
The laundry organization is designed and maintained to provide for the health and safety of its personnel and that of the healthcare facility customer – the patient.
The laundry organization personnel, who handle healthcare textiles, are properly trained.
The laundry organization follows recommended “good industry practices” in its systems, policies, and procedures that will provide the consistent delivery of healthcare textiles in the quality and quantity expected by the customer.
The laundry organization is committed to excellence and challenging itself to meet the highest industry standards.
Meeting the Highest Standards
The principal benefit to healthcare customers is the knowledge and confidence that their textile provider is meeting the highest standards for processing healthcare textiles in the industry, including strict adherence to federal government regulations and guidelines. The customer can expect a consistent and smooth flow of clean textiles; and, ultimately, the knowledge of safety for their employees and the end user – the patient.