HLAC Accreditation is granted to an address-specific location laundry organization. If a laundry organization owns more than one laundry or several laundry organizations are managed by the same company, each laundry organization must be inspected at its specific location and Accreditation is approved for that specific location only.
- All States
- Florida
- New York
- Oregon
- Nebraska
- Pennsylvania
- Missouri
- Ohio
- Arizona
- Georgia
- California
- North Carolina
- Tennessee
- Wisconsin
- Louisiana
- South Carolina
- Alabama
- Mississippi
- Massachusetts
- Illinois
- New Mexico
- Kelowna BC
- Abbotsford BC
- Mississauga ON
- Colorado
- Ontario
- Toronto Woodbridge
- Arkansas
- New Jersey
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Michigan
- Connecticut
- Washington
- Texas
- Calgary
- Alberta
- Regina
- Saskatchewan
- Burnaby
- British Columbia
- Edmonton
- Mississauga
- Oklahoma
- Kentucky
- Delaware
- Maryland
- Iowa
- Virginia
- Minnesota
- New Hampshire
- Rhode Island
Morgan Services, Inc. – Toledo, OH Depot
24277 Indoplex Circle
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
Morgan Services, Northwest Ohio/Southeast Michigan
34 Tenth St
Toledo, OH 43604
Nixon Medical
1873 Sparks Drive
Cleburne, Texas 76031
Nixon Medical
11860 Old Baltimore Pike
Beltsville, MD 20705
Nixon Medical
71 George Street
East Hartford, CT 06108
Nixon Medical
500 Centerpoint Blvd
New Castle, Delaware 19720
Nixon Medical – Beltsville, MD Depot
9415-I Atlee Commerce Blvd.
Ashland, VA 23005
Nixon Medical – Cleburne, TX Depot
2030 Century Center Blvd.
Suite 10
Irving, TX 75062
Nixon Medical – Cleburne, TX Depot
10351 W. Little York Rd.
Ste 400
Houston, TX 77041
Nixon Medical – East Hartford, CT Depot
191 Talmadge Rd.
Ste B
Edison, NJ 08817
Nixon Medical – East Hartford, CT Depot
620 South Street
Ste C
Holbrook, MA 02343
Nixon Medical – Hartford, CT Depot
303 Sunnyside Blvd.
Ste 120
Plainview, NY 11803