HLAC Accreditation is granted to an address-specific location laundry organization. If a laundry organization owns more than one laundry or several laundry organizations are managed by the same company, each laundry organization must be inspected at its specific location and Accreditation is approved for that specific location only.
- All States
- Florida
- New York
- Oregon
- Nebraska
- Pennsylvania
- Missouri
- Ohio
- Arizona
- Georgia
- California
- North Carolina
- Tennessee
- Wisconsin
- Louisiana
- South Carolina
- Alabama
- Mississippi
- Massachusetts
- Illinois
- New Mexico
- Kelowna BC
- Abbotsford BC
- Mississauga ON
- Colorado
- Ontario
- Toronto Woodbridge
- Arkansas
- New Jersey
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Michigan
- Connecticut
- Washington
- Texas
- Calgary
- Alberta
- Regina
- Saskatchewan
- Burnaby
- British Columbia
- Edmonton
- Mississauga
- Oklahoma
- Kentucky
- Delaware
- Maryland
- Iowa
- Virginia
- Minnesota
- New Hampshire
- Rhode Island
North Grand River Cooperative
4000 1/2 North Grand River Ave.
Lansing, MI 48906
650 Enterprise Parkway
Ravenna, OH 44266
NOVO Health Services
100 Tom Mix Drive
Dubois, PA 15901
NOVO Health Services
3850 Reach Road
Williamsport, PA 17701
NOVO Health Services, LLC
5155 Westpark Drive
SW Atlanta, Georgia 30336
NOVO Health Services, LLC
1233 Northgate Business Parkway
Madison, Tennessee 37115
Omni Linen Services, LLC
475 28 1/2 Road
Grand junction CO 81501
Portland Hospital Service Corporation
18440 Portal Way
Portland, OR 97230
Quality Textiles Services, Inc.
313 South Rogers Lane
Raliegh, NC 27610
Reino Linen
18400 Telegraph Road
Brownstown, Michigan 48174
Reino Linen Service, Inc.
119 S. Main Street
Gibbsonburg, Ohio 43431
Royal Dry Cleaners Corp
2370 Midland Ave. Unit C10
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada